Introduction of animal identification, traceability system excite group

The Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria (MACBAN) has applauded the rollout of the National Animal Identification and Traceability System (NAITS) in the South-East.

The South-East Zonal Chairman of MACBAN, Alhaji Gidado Siddiki, on Wednesday in Enugu described the scheme as a problem-solving mechanism that would help to improve the safety of herders and their cattle in the forests.

He commended the Federal Government for introducing the policy of identifying and tracking livestock from points of birth to slaughter.
He described the innovation as a more advanced method of controlling and monitoring livestock and herders.

He said the system would also help to achieve more sanity in the activities of herdsmen and limit criminality in the bush.

Siddiki said that MACBAN would take steps to educate its members in the zone on the new system.

“This scheme points to the disposition of the government in responding to the emerging needs for a structured plan in the business of livestock breeding and movement across Nigeria.

“It is very true that our herders frequently suffer the loss of their livestock in the hands of marauders in the bush,” he said.


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