Stakeholders fear food crisis imminent

Worried by the imminent food crisis predicted by agriculture experts, some stakeholders from the North-Central have urged the Federal Government to start importing food to avert the catastrophe.

Already, as a result of the current scarcity and high prices of foodstuff in the country, some of the stakeholders in the zone are taking measures to avert the crisis.

The measures to include provision of farm inputs such as fertilizers and seeds, as well as implements to farmers to enable them grow more food crops.

They said that these steps would go a long way in boosting the supply chain and subsequently beat down prices of foodstuff in the market.

The Plateau State Commissioner for Agriculture, Dr Hosea Finangwai said government had put adequate measures in place to avert food crisis in the state.

Finangwai said that the state had devoted significant attention to expanding the horizon of farmers and providing them with farm inputs, seedlings, agro-chemicals and markets for their produce.

He said that in providing fertilizer to farmers, the Bokkos fertilizer blending plant in the state had been revived and was providing the commodity to farmers.

Finangwai said the state government had also been consistently subsidising seedlings and other farm inputs to farmers to encourage them to boost their production.

The commissioner said that the state was given the mandate to produce 30,000 metric tonnes of grains and it was able to do so because of the various enabling platforms provided.


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