VAT increase by N15.86bn

Nigeria has recorded an increase of N15.86 billion Value Added Tax (VAT) revenue from N496.39 billion generated in Quarter One (Q1, 2021) to N512.25 billion in Q2.

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), said this on Tuesday in Abuja in its “Sectoral Distribution of VAT Data for Q2 2021” obtained from its website.

It said that the N512.25 billion generated in Q2 as against what was generated in Q1 and N327.20 billion generated in Q2 2020 represented  3.20 per cent increase Quarter-on-Quarter and 56.56 per cent increase Year-on-Year.

The NBS said that other manufacturing generated the highest amount of VAT with N44.89 billion generated and closely followed by professional services generating N29.30 billion.

“Commercial and trading generated N21.96 billion while textile and garment industry generated the least at N77.74 million closely followed by pioneering and pharmaceutical with N169 million and soaps and toiletries generated N188.71 million.”

Agricultural and plantations generated N760.02 million, automobiles and assemblies N868.06 million, banks and financial institutions N7.712 billion, breweries, bottling and beverages N3.47 billion, while building and construction accounted for N2.78 billion.

It added that Federal Ministries and Parastatals accounted for N5.22 billion of the amount, hotels and catering N3.24 billion, Local Government Councils N399.91 million, Mining N8.11 billion and State Ministries and Parastatals N18.41 billion.


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