UK moves to partner African countries on trade

Ms Emma Wade-Smith, United Kingdom Trade Commissioner for Africa, said that plans were underway by U.K. to collaborate with African countries to tackle market access barriers and improve business environment for trade.
Wade-Smith, speaking at a webinar organised by the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) on Thursday said the arrangements would also facilitate easier, cheaper trade between Nigeria and the U.K.
The webinar had as its theme: “International Conference on Brexit, Opportunities for Africa and the United Kingdom”.
The United Kingdom’s exit (Brexit) from the European Union means the country was free to set its trade policies and negotiations with other countries.
Wade-Smith said that vast array of potential and prospects existed in priority sectors such as agriculture energy, education and skills, healthcare and life sciences, mining, defence and security, financial services and creative industry.
She, however, stated that all of the activities of the U.K. across Africa were underpinned by technology and green growth to address climate change.She said that some of the plans by the U.K. included building from the base by sourcing local partners, identifying opportunities in both countries that were mutually beneficial.


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