NEXIM Bank urges FG to boost regional trade

The Nigerian Export-Import Bank (NEXIM Bank) has advised the Federal Government to boost Nigeria’s trade in the ECOWAS and African continent.
Mr Abba Bello, Managing Director, NEXIM Bank, gave the advice in Abuja on Wednesday, at the ongoing Nigeria @ 60 Exhibition of Made in Nigeria Products and Cultural Display.
The exhibition was organised by the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Nigeria @ 60, in collaboration with Business Visa and Trainings Co. Ltd.
According to Bello, Nigeria’s regional trade is low at less than 12 per cent and 15 per cent for ECOWAS and the African continent, respectively.
This is in spite of Nigeria’s ranking as the biggest economy in Africa with a GDP of about $477 billion and contributing over 60 per cent of ECOWAS GDP.
Bello, while speaking on “the Fundamentals of Branding and Financing Made in Nigeria Products for Export’’ highlighted key issues that must be addressed for the country to increase export and boost regional trade……….


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