91,000 Retirement Savings Accounts registered in four months

No fewer than 91,499 Retirement Savings Account (RSA) holders were registered by the Pension Fund Administrators (PFAs) under the Contributory Pension Scheme (CPS) between January and April 2021.
Data obtained from the National Pension Commission (PenCom) website on Friday, revealed that the PFAs registered 9,236,841 RSA holders in January, while the number surged to 9,328,340 in April.
The commission stated that pension fund assets which rebounded in March 2021, having dropped for two months, have continued on a growth trajectory to gain over N50 billion between March and April………TO CONTINUE READING CLICK ON https://thefreezonechannel.com/91000-retirement-savings-accounts-registered-in-four-months/

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