SON evacuates 200 containers of substandard tyres

The Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) has evacuated 200 containers of substandard tyres from a warehouse located in Obafemi Owode, a remote area in Ogun.

Mallam Farouk Salim, Director-General, SON, said the evacuation was to prevent the tyres from entering into the nation’s markets.

Salim, represented by Mr Mike Dakhing, Director, Inspectorate and Compliance, Directorate said the tyres had been tested and were found to have failed all the critical parameters as a result of stuffing.

He recalled that the standards body had stated that purveyors were devising new methods by taking advantage of the vast nature of the country to warehouse substandard goods in remote areas.

“You may recall that few weeks ago, the Director General blew open to the whole world the nefarious activities going on in this community.

“As you know, he opposes fake and substandard products and any unwholesome activity that will encourage it because that is the mandate he has been given.

“Today, we are here to evacuate these tyres which is the first stage in their destruction.

“We obtained the laboratory results after testing these tyres which they all failed…..TO CONTINUE READING CLICK ON

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