Nigeria’s current food system weak, vulnerable

The Minister of State for Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr Mustapha Shehuri, says Nigeria’s food system is weak and vulnerable to shock.

Shehuri said on Monday at this year’s Feed Nigeria Summit which was held in Abuja.

Shehuri, who was represented by the Director, Federal Department of Agriculture, Hajia Karima Babangida, said the Summit will assist the Ministry to re-examine the weak link with a view to strengthen it for an Agricultural System that will work for Nigeria and stabilise the Food Security.

“There is no doubt that the current Nigeria Food System is weak and vulnerable to shock.

“The Summit, no doubt will assist the Ministry to re-examine the weak link with a view to strengthen it for an Agricultural System that will work for Nigeria and stabilise the Food Security,” he said.

He said that the Ministry is determined to create a functional food system that will guarantee all citizens, an unrestricted access to good quality nutritious and safe food.

“This underscores the various programmes and interventions that are on-going in the Ministry in areas of agricultural livelihood and supports, Food Safety and provision of Infrastructures in different ecological areas of the country.

He said for a sustainable Food System, the country must rise to overcome challenge of poor quality food supplies, hunger, malnutrition and improper food habit of promoting food wastage.

“This is the acceptable consumption behaviour globally that an average Nigerian especially in the Urban areas pays little or no attention.

“If we devote so much to produce, we should pay more attention to avoid waste because of its economic and environmental impact negatively”, he added.


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