Okonjo-Iweala counsels Nigeria’s diaspora to support economy

Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the Director-General (DG) of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), has said the contributions of Nigerians at home and abroad could positively impact the nation’s economy to bring about peaceful coexistence.
The DG said this at a webinar to celebrate the National Diaspora Day on Sunday, in Abuja, organised by the Nigerians in the Diaspora Commission (NiDCOM) to commemorate its establishment and its achievements so far.
The theme: ” Diaspora Integration for National Peace and Development”, which NiDCOM described as being anchored on the levers of peace that would accelerate Diaspora engagement for national growth and development.
The commission observed that no nation could succeed in an atmosphere anchored on insecurity, hatred and divisive tendencies.
In her contribution, Okonjo-Iweala applauded the Diaspora for their huge contributions to the nation’s economy, citing in particular how their remittances had brought about development of the rural areas and the sustenance of the economy.
”Let me applaud fellow Nigerians in the Diaspora because they are contributing so much, in many ways; the remittance that the Diaspora send home is in millions of dollars which has contributed in sustaining our economy.
“It helps people living in the rural areas to get resources to send their children to school, take care of their health, build and run businesses, but we can do more wherever we are in the Diaspora, for there’s no place like home.


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