Operators want capital market taught in secondary schools

Some Capital Market Operators have called for the introduction of capital market studies in secondary schools in Nigeria.
This they said it would adequately equip younger Nigerians for economic growth, equitable investment opportunities and better investment culture.
The operators made the suggestion in Lagos, against the backdrop of getting more millennial to put their money to work for them.
Mr Gbadebo Olatokunbo, a pioneer and Co-Founder, Noble Shareholders Solidarity Association said younger Nigerians knew very little about the capital market and were not thinking about it in that line of investments.
Olatokunbo said the Nigerian Exchange (NGX) Ltd., was trying in its bit to get the younger set of Nigerians educated on activities of the market but submitted that there was still a lot to be done, specifically, on the part of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
“The bitter truth is that we seriously need to start teaching of the capital-market at the early stage of our secondary education or the market shall later in near future, belong only to the elites and foreign investors.
“A personal bitter experience is a graduate son of mine who do not believe in all my stories to him on capital market and has not developed any interest in the market because his dreams are somewhere else.
“The capital market stakeholders need to seriously open up on activities and operations of the market, in order to make it easy for the understanding of the market to new comers………TO CONTINUE READING CLICK ONhttps://thefreezonechannel.com/operators-want-capital-market-taught-in-secondary-schools/

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